COUSCOUS the authentic way
Couscous: National dish, granular semolina pasta, which is steamed over a pan of stewing vegetables, spices, garbanzo beans, and meat. The ingredients are combined and served as a main dish–the staple of the Moroccan diet. It should be mentioned that the preparation of couscous varies from one region to the other. Couscous is a rolled wheat pasta and makes a great substitute for rice or potatoes. It is a well known, typically Moroccan dish and is simple to prepare. The word couscous refers to the raw ingredient as well as to the prepared basic dish (described below). Couscous is served with a sauce, and often topped with a spicy oil and pepper mixture called Harissa. The most wonderful thing about couscous is the way it absorbs the flavor of the sauce. This, as well as its lightness and porous texture make it an ideal choice for sauces. Outlined below is the basic recipe for plain couscous. Look up a specific sauce recipe to cook with the couscous.
Traditional Couscous with lamb and vegetables
In Morocco where couscous is a staple, a couscoussier is used to cook the dish. It is a two-part, barrel-like vessel. The large bottom pot holds a stew, and as the stew simmers it steams the couscous in the top perforated insert.
In Morocco, most couscous is meat-based, and the couscous steams for 45 minutes or more while the meat tenderizes. Vegetable stews cook much more quickly, not allowing enough time for the couscous to cook to melt-in-your-mouth consistency. Traditional couscous, before it goes into the couscousier, is handled in a special way. This involves moistening and drying, steaming, drying and re-steaming. This takes some time: a little more than an hour. The finished product is fluffy.
4 cups couscous
3 cups water.
Set couscous in a large bowl. Lightly oil your hands and work grains, Spread couscous grain than pour 2 quarts water over it and leave them to swell for 10 minutes. Lightly oil your hands and work grains rubbing them through your fingertips, to keep them separate rub couscous between your wet hands to break up lumps. Let stand another 10 minutes.
Put water in the pot of the couscoussier. There should be ample liquid in bottom of pot but it should not come too close to bottom of steaming basket. When the liquid comes to a boil, slowly dribble 1/2 of the swollen couscous into steamer, forming them into a mound. Steam over low heat, uncovered as soon as the steam escapes, count, 20 minutes of cooking. The steam must escape only from the couscous. Remove the top of the couscousier (if the liquid in the bottom seems low, add some more water) and dump the couscous into a large shallow pan and spread it out with a rubber spatula. Sprinkle the couscous with 1soup cup of cold water slightly salty over the couscous. Lightly oil hands; rework grains, breaking up any lumps break up lumps by lifting couscous and stirring the grains. Dry for 10 minutes. Return the dried couscous to the top of the couscousier. Steam uncovered for 20 minutes more. Put back the couscous a third time in the high of couscoussier and 5 minutes after exhaust of the steam, shell the couscous again. Add 1 or 2 pats butter if desired .Can do in advance up to this point and keep until the final steaming with a damp cloth over top.
2 pounds lamb shoulder
2 onions
250 g of chickpea soaked the day before
150 g of butter
1 pinch of saffron
1 coffee spoonful of pepper
1 teaspoon of ginger
6 liters of water
1 pound package of instant couscous
1 pd of peeled tomatoes
1 pd of little peeled turnips
4 peeled carrots cut in length
4 small turnips quartered
1 pound pumpkin
1 small head cabbage, quartered
4 zucchini, unpeeled, quartered
2 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup butter
1/4-cup raisins plumbed in water with orange blossom and drained.
Wash and drain carefully the cut meat in pieces. Heat the oil and brown the lamb on all sides for 5 minutes. Add the onions, and cook another 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, the cilantro, the chickpeas, the saffron, the pepper, the salt, and the water and put on quick fire. Cook covered for 15 minutes.
Withdraw the heart of cabbage in him incising deeply with a pointed knife the hoary cabbage,
Add to the boiling the other minced onions, tomatoes, turnips, carrots.
As soon as the soup is again in boiling point, redo the previous operation with the couscous but this time in replacing the water by the oil of olives.
Dispose the couscous in cone in a big dish, dig a crater to the center, there place the meat and the vegetables, water of soup and let to absorb. Serving the surplus of soup in some bowls so that every one will be able to serve him.
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